Form 37177 Rev 200910
Page 13
The SoundCHEK Essential sound level meter has three primary operational modes:
Real Time
File Review
Each mode can be quickly identified by viewing the bottom bar: Real Time has no icon, Record has a
standard red record symbol, and File Review shows a green directional arrow.
Real Time Mode
This is the standard mode of operation for the sound level meter.
The menu system can be accessed while in real time mode and the instrument settings can be changed if
Measurement screens are accessible but not all parameters all available while real time mode is active.
It is possible to reset parameters in real time mode by quickly pressing the
Recording Mode
Recording data is achieved by pressing the
key while in real time mode. The settings for
recording are applied under
Measurement Setup
Data Recording
Recording Screen Display
The settings made under Data Recording will affect the information and how it is displayed on your
SoundCHEK Essential instrument
Real Time
File Review