Operating the armchair (without the lift/with the footrest) using the finger
tip controls in the arm or seat panel.
Your armchair has 3 motors, but no extra option. Your control panel has 3 keys.
Each key has a dual function (Function F1 and F2): Pressing a key will cause a motor to move.
The motor will move in the opposite direction if you release the key and press it again.
The front key (1 - footrest) is for operating the footrest. The footrest will unfold when you
press the key; the armchair will move further into the heart balance once the footrest is
fully unfolded. Release the key for a minimum of 2 seconds and press this again to move the
heart balance function and footrest back again.
The centre key (2 - seat tilt) is for operating the heart balance function. This will tilt the arm-
chair in its entirety; the footrest and back will remain in the same position relative to each
other. Release the key for a minimum of 2 seconds and press this again to move the heart
balance function back again.
The rear key (3 - back) is for operating the back. Pressing the key will move the backrest
backwards. Release the key for a minimum of 2 seconds and press this again to move the
back forward again.