URL Blocking
This page is used to block some URL addresses or keywords.
URL Blocking
Enable or disable the URL blocking function.
Enter FQDN which you want to block. A FQDN is a
complete DNS name. For example, “www.yahoo.com”.
URL Blocking Table
The FQDN settings will be listed in the table. If you
want to delete some FQDN settings from the table,
please select the settings and click “
Delete Selected
If you want remove all settings from the table, just
click "
Delete All
" button.
Enter the keyword of the URL Address that you want to
Keyword Filtering
The keyword settings will be listed in the table. If you
want to delete some keyword settings from the table,
please select the settings and click “
Delete Selected
If you want remove all settings from the table, just
click "
Delete All
" button.
When you finish, click ‘Apply Changes’. You’ll see the following message
displayed on web browser: