802.11g, and 802.11n wireless network client to
connect this router (maximum transfer rate 11Mbps
for 802.11b clients, maximum 54Mbps for 802.11g
clients, and maximum 150Mbps for 802.11n clients).
It allows you to set the router to act in “AP”, “Client”
or “WDS” mode.
The SSID (up to 32 printable ASCII characters) is the
unique name identified in a WLAN. The ID prevents
the unintentional merging of two co-located WLANs.
The default SSID of the router is “default”.
Channel Width
Set channel width of wireless radio. Do not modify
default value if you don’t know what it is, default
setting is ‘Auto 20/40 MHz’.
Control Sideband
Select the upper band or lower band for your radio
frequency. While upper band is selected, the channel
number you can select is from channel 5 to channel
11. While lower band is selected, the channel number
you can select is from channel 1 to channel 7.
Channel Number
It is the radio channel used by the wireless LAN. All
devices in the same wireless LAN should use the
same channel. Please select the country you are
located and designate a channel that the router will
use. If you want to let the router automatically to find
an available channel with the highest signal strength,
please select “Auto”.
Radio Power (mW)
Set the maximum output power of the router. The
higher output power, the wider coverage range.
Associated Clients
Click “Show Active Clients” button and you can see
the wireless clients connected to the router.
When you finish, click ‘Apply Changes’. You’ll see the following message
displayed on web browser:
Press ‘Continue’ to save the settings made and back to web management
interface; press ‘Apply’ to save the settings made and restart the router so the
settings will take effect after it reboots.