SITECO Informatica s.r.l
via della Salute 14
40132 Bologna
Tel 051/6414470
Fax 051/400589
C.F. 04014680377
P. IVA 00689691202
File rif. C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\RSC_QuickStart _rev 2_99694.doc
Created 03.04.2017
Saved il 28.07.2017
Pag. 19 di 47
DO – 7.2 – 02 Rev. 0.2 del 20.01.2017
Then fill in the mission name in the File Name box.
The following naming convention is recommended, even if it’s not mandatory:
First digits to identify the job (“BO” in this example)
(_20170307 in this example, YYYYmmdd)
(A for the first mission of the day, B for the second, etc.)
Figure 9 - Mission file naming convention
Another naming example can be NYTectonic_20170324_B (where “B” stands for the second mission of 24
of March, carried out for Tectonic customer in NY…)
After inserting the Filename, press the
Start Logging
button. The status must change to
At each survey, check that you have
enough space
in the internal memory (4GB of total
memory; for a mission of 1 hour, the required space is around 0.2 GB, so the internal memory will be
enough for about 20 hours of survey).
Once the logging has started, the system must
be still for 4-5 minutes.
After this period of time, the SEQUENCE logging can be started.