Appropriate separate collection for the subsequent start-up of the disused equipment for recycling,
treatment and environmentally compatible disposal helps to avoid possible negative effects on the
environment and on health and favors the re-use and / or recycling of the materials it is composed of the
Instruction for installation and setting at work
General premise:
The installation of the SINGLE LAMP sterilization units must be carried out by
specialized staff, scrupulously following the instructions hereby given. It has been moreover considered
necessary to give some general information about the electrical and water connections.
check that the UV panel is not connected to the power supply and that the tap of the water to
be treated is turned off.
Connect the delivery of the water to be treated to the special water connection
Turn on water and check for possible leaks in any part of the unit
Connect the plug to the current tap
Check that the disinfected water comes out and that the LEDS on the panel of the control board, signal
the correct working
Let the disinfected water flow down to outlet for at least 10 minutes before using it, in order to make the
possible impurities present in the unit drain out.
NOTE: it is recommended to install a water filter directly before the UV sterilizer in order to remove the
suspended particles, eventually present in the water to be treated, which could limit the efficiency of
The SINGLE LAMP UV System is ready for producing disinfected water, once the connection to the
water system and to the electrical grid is carried out. The unit works automatically, the electronical
boards which control the signals reaching the control panel, allow the visualization (or the
sonorization) of the correct working or of anomalies which may occur during the operating of the unit.