Gradient consists of 3 colors:
Light Blue: C100 M56 Y0 K0
Dark Blue: C100 M38 Y0 K64
Rich Black: C50 M40 Y40 K100
Gradient consists of 3 colors:
Light Blue: C100 M56 Y0 K0
Dark Blue: C100 M38 Y0 K64
Rich Black: C50 M40 Y40 K100
Gradient consists of 3 colors:
Light Blue: C100 M56 Y0 K0
Dark Blue: C100 M38 Y0 K64
Rich Black: C50 M40 Y40 K100
In major metropolitan areas, it may be possible to receive both the SIRIUS and XM
signals on your radio with the home antenna indoors. Just set the antenna
on a flat surface near a south facing-window and open the antenna clamshell
so that it is half way between the horizontal and vertical positions (see Figure 1
Figure 1