Gradient consists of 3 colors:
Light Blue: C100 M56 Y0 K0
Dark Blue: C100 M38 Y0 K64
Rich Black: C50 M40 Y40 K100
Gradient consists of 3 colors:
Light Blue: C100 M56 Y0 K0
Dark Blue: C100 M38 Y0 K64
Rich Black: C50 M40 Y40 K100
Gradient consists of 3 colors:
Light Blue: C100 M56 Y0 K0
Dark Blue: C100 M38 Y0 K64
Rich Black: C50 M40 Y40 K100
In most parts of the country, however, to get both the SIRIUS and XM signals on your
MiRGE™ radio, you will need to place the home antenna outdoors, with a clear
unobstructed view of the sky in all directions. This means that there should not be any
buildings, shrubs, trees, roof overhangs, or anything else obstructing the antenna’s
view of the sky.
You can place the home antenna on a flat surface with the antenna looking straight
up (A, in Figure 2), or you can attach it to a flat surface using four screws (sold
separately) and the mounting points on the base with the antenna having a straight
up view of the sky (B, in Figure 2).
The durable, weather-resistant
antenna comes with a hinged base
and 20 feet of cable to allow you to
place and mount it in various outdoor
locations. If additional cable
length is needed, you can use the
included 50 ft. home antenna
extension cable to extend the reach of
the antenna.
Figure 2
Getting Started