A külső motorhoz kapott 200 mm-es csatla-
kozó csőcsonkot rögzítsük a készülékhez a
tartozékként kapott 8 db csavarral.
A csőcsonk a készülék hosszanti szimmetria-
tengelyétől 25 mm-re eltolva fog elhelyez-
A készülék egy hat csatornás távvezérlővel
rendelkezik (10. ábra).
műszaki adatok
Alkáli elemek: 12 v, 23 A
üzemi frekvencia: 433,92 MHz
Kombinációk száma: 4096
Max. áramfelvétel: 25 mA
üzemi hőmérséklet: -20
- A készülék be- és kikapcsolásá-
hoz nyomjuk meg a következő
– A sebesség negyedik fokozatig
történő növeléséhez nyomjuk
meg a gombot:
– A sebesség második fokozatig
történő csökkentéséhez nyom-
juk meg a gombot:
– Magas sebességfokozatról az
első sebességfokozatra törté-
nő léptetéshez nyomjuk meg a
– A világítás be- és kikapcsolásá-
hoz nyomjuk meg a gombot:
A világítás gombbal be- és kikapcsolhatjuk a
világítást. A gomb első érintésére a lámpák
a maximális teljesítménnyel kapcsolnak be.
– Az időzítő beállításához nyom-
juk meg gombot:
nyomjuk le 5 másodperc hosszan a világítás
A jobb oldali lEd-lámpa villogni kezd (5 má-
sodpercenként), a készülék további 10 per-
cig a kiválasztott sebességfokozaton tovább
üzemel, majd automatikusan kikapcsol.
Amennyiben a felhasználó az időzítő élesíté-
sét követően növeli vagy csökkenti a sebes-
séget, az időzítő kikapcsol.
normál beállítás
Amennyiben ugyanabban a helyiségben,
vagy egymáshoz egész közel két, rádiós ve-
zérlésű elszívó kerül telepítésre, az egyik
rendszer befolyásolhatja a másik működé-
sét azon oknál kifolyólag, hogy ugyanazzal
a kóddal működik mindkét távvezérlő. Ezért
szükségessé válhat az egyik vezérlőn a kód
A jeladó megfelelő működéséhez és a gyá-
rilag megadott hatósugár biztosításához
évente cseréljük ki az elemeket a távvezér-
lőkben. ehhez vegyük le a műanyag fede-
let, vegyük ki az elhasznált elemet, és he-
lyezzük be az újat (ügyelve a megfelelő po-
laritásra). A használt elemeket külön erre
szolgáló gyűjtőedényben selejtezzük le.
Új átviteli kód létrehozása
A távvezérlő gyárilag az alapértelmezett
kóddal működik. új kód létrehozásához te-
gyük a következőket: nyomjuk le egyide-
jűleg úgy két másodperc hosszan a FEl, a
STop, és a lE gombot. Amikor a lEd-lámpák
kigyulladtak, 5 másodpercen belül nyomjuk
le a FEl és lE gombot. A lEd-lámpák még
háromszor felvillanak, jelezve, hogy a műve-
letsor véget ért.
Ezzel az eljárással töröljük az ösz-
szes korábban eltárolt kódot.
Új kód megtaníttatása az elszívóval
A távvezérlőn új kód létrehozását követően
az elszívót át kell állítanunk az új kód értel-
mezéséhez: nyomjuk le a főkapcsoló gom-
bot (8. ábra), majd kapcsoljuk be az elekt-
ronikus vezérlő egységet. A távvezérlőn 15
másodpercen belül nyomjuk le a világítás
gombot. Ezzel az elszívóval megismertettük
az új kódot.
6 - channel radio control for cooker hood re-
mote (fig. 10).
Technical data:
Alkaline battery powered: 12v mod. 23A
Operating frequency: 433.92 Mhz
Combinations: 4096
Max. consumption: 25mA
Operating temperature: -20° : +55°C
- To light the cooker hood on or to
light it off press the button:
- To increase the speed up to the
fourth one press the button:
- To reduce the speed up to the
second one press the button:
- To go from a high speed back to
the first one press twice the button:
- To give power to the lights or to
shut them down press the button:
The “light” switch can turn the lights on and
off. after the first touch of the light switch the
lamps turn on at the maximum power.
- To set the timer up press the
At first ignition, keep pressed the lighting
button for 5 seconds
The LED on the right side will start to flash
(every 5 seconds), the hood will work for 10
minutes at the selected speed and then it
lights automatically off.
If the client increases or reduces the speed
while the timer is on, this is automatically
Standard configuration
If two cookerhoods-radiocontrol system are
installed in the same room or in the immediate
vicinity, each system may affect the operation
of the other, due to the fact that they have the
same code. Therefore it will be necessary to
change the code of one of the radio controls.
The battery should be replaced every ye-
arto guarantee the optimal range of the
transmitter. To replace the exhausted bat-
tery, take the plastic lid off, remove the
battery and replace it with a new one, ob-
serving the correct battery polarities. Used
batteries should be discarded in special
collection bins.
Generating a new transmission code
The radiocontrol is supplied by the manu-
facturer with default codes stored. If you
want to create a new set of codes, proceed
as follows:press and hold the UP, STOP and
DOWN buttons simultaneously for 2 secon-
ds. Afterthe LEDS light up, press the UP and
DOWN button swithin 5 seconds. The LEDS
will flash 3 times to indicate that the process
is completed.
WARNING: This procedure deletes all pre-
viously stored codes.
Learning the new transmission code
After changing the transmission code on
the radio control, the cooker hood electro-
nic control unit must be made to set the new
code as follows: press the main Power Off
button on the cookerhood (fig. 8) and then
restore power to the electronic control unit.
Within the next 15 seconds, press the Light
button. This will ensure the control unit is
synchronized with the new code.
Install the joint diameter 200mm supplied
with the external motor and fix it through the
8 screws supplied.
The joint diameter 200mm is slightly moved
from the longitudinal axis of the product by
6 - channel radio control for cooker hood re-
mote (fig. 10).
Technical data:
Alkaline battery powered: 12v mod. 23A
Operating frequency: 433.92 Mhz
Combinations: 4096
Max. consumption: 25mA
Operating temperature: -20° : +55°C
- To light the cooker hood on or to
light it off press the button:
- To increase the speed up to the
fourth one press the button:
- To reduce the speed up to the
second one press the button:
- To go from a high speed back to
the first one press twice the button:
- To give power to the lights or to
shut them down press the button:
The “light” switch can turn the lights on and
off. after the first touch of the light switch the
lamps turn on at the maximum power.
- To set the timer up press the
At first ignition, keep pressed the lighting
button for 5 seconds
The LED on the right side will start to flash
(every 5 seconds), the hood will work for 10
minutes at the selected speed and then it
lights automatically off.
If the client increases or reduces the speed
while the timer is on, this is automatically
Standard configuration
If two cookerhoods-radiocontrol system are
installed in the same room or in the immediate
vicinity, each system may affect the operation
of the other, due to the fact that they have the
same code. Therefore it will be necessary to
change the code of one of the radio controls.
The battery should be replaced every ye-
arto guarantee the optimal range of the
transmitter. To replace the exhausted bat-
tery, take the plastic lid off, remove the
battery and replace it with a new one, ob-
serving the correct battery polarities. Used
batteries should be discarded in special
collection bins.
Generating a new transmission code
The radiocontrol is supplied by the manu-
facturer with default codes stored. If you
want to create a new set of codes, proceed
as follows:press and hold the UP, STOP and
DOWN buttons simultaneously for 2 secon-
ds. Afterthe LEDS light up, press the UP and
DOWN button swithin 5 seconds. The LEDS
will flash 3 times to indicate that the process
is completed.
WARNING: This procedure deletes all pre-
viously stored codes.
Learning the new transmission code
After changing the transmission code on
the radio control, the cooker hood electro-
nic control unit must be made to set the new
code as follows: press the main Power Off
button on the cookerhood (fig. 8) and then
restore power to the electronic control unit.
Within the next 15 seconds, press the Light
button. This will ensure the control unit is
synchronized with the new code.
Install the joint diameter 200mm supplied
with the external motor and fix it through the
8 screws supplied.
The joint diameter 200mm is slightly moved
from the longitudinal axis of the product by
6 - channel radio control for cooker hood re-
mote (fig. 10).
Technical data:
Alkaline battery powered: 12v mod. 23A
Operating frequency: 433.92 Mhz
Combinations: 4096
Max. consumption: 25mA
Operating temperature: -20° : +55°C
- To light the cooker hood on or to
light it off press the button:
- To increase the speed up to the
fourth one press the button:
- To reduce the speed up to the
second one press the button:
- To go from a high speed back to
the first one press twice the button:
- To give power to the lights or to
shut them down press the button:
The “light” switch can turn the lights on and
off. after the first touch of the light switch the
lamps turn on at the maximum power.
- To set the timer up press the
At first ignition, keep pressed the lighting
button for 5 seconds
The LED on the right side will start to flash
(every 5 seconds), the hood will work for 10
minutes at the selected speed and then it
lights automatically off.
If the client increases or reduces the speed
while the timer is on, this is automatically
Standard configuration
If two cookerhoods-radiocontrol system are
installed in the same room or in the immediate
vicinity, each system may affect the operation
of the other, due to the fact that they have the
same code. Therefore it will be necessary to
change the code of one of the radio controls.
The battery should be replaced every ye-
arto guarantee the optimal range of the
transmitter. To replace the exhausted bat-
tery, take the plastic lid off, remove the
battery and replace it with a new one, ob-
serving the correct battery polarities. Used
batteries should be discarded in special
collection bins.
Generating a new transmission code
The radiocontrol is supplied by the manu-
facturer with default codes stored. If you
want to create a new set of codes, proceed
as follows:press and hold the UP, STOP and
DOWN buttons simultaneously for 2 secon-
ds. Afterthe LEDS light up, press the UP and
DOWN button swithin 5 seconds. The LEDS
will flash 3 times to indicate that the process
is completed.
WARNING: This procedure deletes all pre-
viously stored codes.
Learning the new transmission code
After changing the transmission code on
the radio control, the cooker hood electro-
nic control unit must be made to set the new
code as follows: press the main Power Off
button on the cookerhood (fig. 8) and then
restore power to the electronic control unit.
Within the next 15 seconds, press the Light
button. This will ensure the control unit is
synchronized with the new code.
Install the joint diameter 200mm supplied
with the external motor and fix it through the
8 screws supplied.
The joint diameter 200mm is slightly moved
from the longitudinal axis of the product by
6 - channel radio control for cooker hood re-
mote (fig. 10).
Technical data:
Alkaline battery powered: 12v mod. 23A
Operating frequency: 433.92 Mhz
Combinations: 4096
Max. consumption: 25mA
Operating temperature: -20° : +55°C
- To light the cooker hood on or to
light it off press the button:
- To increase the speed up to the
fourth one press the button:
- To reduce the speed up to the
second one press the button:
- To go from a high speed back to
the first one press twice the button:
- To give power to the lights or to
shut them down press the button:
The “light” switch can turn the lights on and
off. after the first touch of the light switch the
lamps turn on at the maximum power.
- To set the timer up press the
At first ignition, keep pressed the lighting
button for 5 seconds
The LED on the right side will start to flash
(every 5 seconds), the hood will work for 10
minutes at the selected speed and then it
lights automatically off.
If the client increases or reduces the speed
while the timer is on, this is automatically
Standard configuration
If two cookerhoods-radiocontrol system are
installed in the same room or in the immediate
vicinity, each system may affect the operation
of the other, due to the fact that they have the
same code. Therefore it will be necessary to
change the code of one of the radio controls.
The battery should be replaced every ye-
arto guarantee the optimal range of the
transmitter. To replace the exhausted bat-
tery, take the plastic lid off, remove the
battery and replace it with a new one, ob-
serving the correct battery polarities. Used
batteries should be discarded in special
collection bins.
Generating a new transmission code
The radiocontrol is supplied by the manu-
facturer with default codes stored. If you
want to create a new set of codes, proceed
as follows:press and hold the UP, STOP and
DOWN buttons simultaneously for 2 secon-
ds. Afterthe LEDS light up, press the UP and
DOWN button swithin 5 seconds. The LEDS
will flash 3 times to indicate that the process
is completed.
WARNING: This procedure deletes all pre-
viously stored codes.
Learning the new transmission code
After changing the transmission code on
the radio control, the cooker hood electro-
nic control unit must be made to set the new
code as follows: press the main Power Off
button on the cookerhood (fig. 8) and then
restore power to the electronic control unit.
Within the next 15 seconds, press the Light
button. This will ensure the control unit is
synchronized with the new code.
Install the joint diameter 200mm supplied
with the external motor and fix it through the
8 screws supplied.
The joint diameter 200mm is slightly moved
from the longitudinal axis of the product by
6 - channel radio control for cooker hood re-
mote (fig. 10).
Technical data:
Alkaline battery powered: 12v mod. 23A
Operating frequency: 433.92 Mhz
Combinations: 4096
Max. consumption: 25mA
Operating temperature: -20° : +55°C
- To light the cooker hood on or to
light it off press the button:
- To increase the speed up to the
fourth one press the button:
- To reduce the speed up to the
second one press the button:
- To go from a high speed back to
the first one press twice the button:
- To give power to the lights or to
shut them down press the button:
The “light” switch can turn the lights on and
off. after the first touch of the light switch the
lamps turn on at the maximum power.
- To set the timer up press the
At first ignition, keep pressed the lighting
button for 5 seconds
The LED on the right side will start to flash
(every 5 seconds), the hood will work for 10
minutes at the selected speed and then it
lights automatically off.
If the client increases or reduces the speed
while the timer is on, this is automatically
Standard configuration
If two cookerhoods-radiocontrol system are
installed in the same room or in the immediate
vicinity, each system may affect the operation
of the other, due to the fact that they have the
same code. Therefore it will be necessary to
change the code of one of the radio controls.
The battery should be replaced every ye-
arto guarantee the optimal range of the
transmitter. To replace the exhausted bat-
tery, take the plastic lid off, remove the
battery and replace it with a new one, ob-
serving the correct battery polarities. Used
batteries should be discarded in special
collection bins.
Generating a new transmission code
The radiocontrol is supplied by the manu-
facturer with default codes stored. If you
want to create a new set of codes, proceed
as follows:press and hold the UP, STOP and
DOWN buttons simultaneously for 2 secon-
ds. Afterthe LEDS light up, press the UP and
DOWN button swithin 5 seconds. The LEDS
will flash 3 times to indicate that the process
is completed.
This procedure deletes all pre-
viously stored codes.
Learning the new transmission code
After changing the transmission code on
the radio control, the cooker hood electro-
nic control unit must be made to set the new
code as follows: press the main Power Off
button on the cookerhood (fig. 8) and then
restore power to the electronic control unit.
Within the next 15 seconds, press the Light
button. This will ensure the control unit is
synchronized with the new code.
Install the joint diameter 200mm supplied
with the external motor and fix it through the
8 screws supplied.
The joint diameter 200mm is slightly moved
from the longitudinal axis of the product by
6 - channel radio control for cooker hood re-
mote (fig. 10).
Technical data:
Alkaline battery powered: 12v mod. 23A
Operating frequency: 433.92 Mhz
Combinations: 4096
Max. consumption: 25mA
Operating temperature: -20° : +55°C
- To light the cooker hood on or to
light it off press the button:
- To increase the speed up to the
fourth one press the button:
- To reduce the speed up to the
second one press the button:
- To go from a high speed back to
the first one press twice the button:
- To give power to the lights or to
shut them down press the button:
The “light” switch can turn the lights on and
off. after the first touch of the light switch the
lamps turn on at the maximum power.
- To set the timer up press the
At first ignition, keep pressed the lighting
button for 5 seconds
The LED on the right side will start to flash
(every 5 seconds), the hood will work for 10
minutes at the selected speed and then it
lights automatically off.
If the client increases or reduces the speed
while the timer is on, this is automatically
Standard configuration
If two cookerhoods-radiocontrol system are
installed in the same room or in the immediate
vicinity, each system may affect the operation
of the other, due to the fact that they have the
same code. Therefore it will be necessary to
change the code of one of the radio controls.
The battery should be replaced every ye-
arto guarantee the optimal range of the
transmitter. To replace the exhausted bat-
tery, take the plastic lid off, remove the
battery and replace it with a new one, ob-
serving the correct battery polarities. Used
batteries should be discarded in special
collection bins.
Generating a new transmission code
The radiocontrol is supplied by the manu-
facturer with default codes stored. If you
want to create a new set of codes, proceed
as follows:press and hold the UP, STOP and
DOWN buttons simultaneously for 2 secon-
ds. Afterthe LEDS light up, press the UP and
DOWN button swithin 5 seconds. The LEDS
will flash 3 times to indicate that the process
is completed.
WARNING: This procedure deletes all pre-
viously stored codes.
Learning the new transmission code
After changing the transmission code on
the radio control, the cooker hood electro-
nic control unit must be made to set the new
code as follows: press the main Power Off
button on the cookerhood (fig. 8) and then
restore power to the electronic control unit.
Within the next 15 seconds, press the Light
button. This will ensure the control unit is
synchronized with the new code.
Install the joint diameter 200mm supplied
with the external motor and fix it through the
8 screws supplied.
The joint diameter 200mm is slightly moved
from the longitudinal axis of the product by
Summary of Contents for SLT960
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