AEROS Loop Studio: Manual
General Tech Info
Shown in yellow, overdubs are recordings that are “on top” of a
previous recording on the same track. Unlimited overdubs enable you to create
layers and depth in your loops without worrying about memory restrictions.
This is similar to what other loopers call “stacks”. You always have two layers of
memory to work with for each individual track: The base layer and the latest
overdub layer. If the current selected track already has an overdub,
overdubbing again will merge the previous overdub layer with the base layer.
Once an overdub is merged, it cannot be unmerged. If you undo only the
overdub layer and keep the base layer, recording another overdub will replace
the undone layer.
The AEROS is compatible with
SD card size (4-32GB)
, class 10 is recommended
for faster loading speed.
Recording time per song:
20 min (mono)
Recording storage:
Internal 3 hours mono, 1.5 hours stereo recording time and
up to 48 hours (mono) storage when using a 32 GB SD card.
Sound Quality:
32-bit floating point processing, 24-bit recording, 44.1kHz
sample rate, professional DACs, <1ms latency, and 20hz – 20kHz range
Digital dry through bypass:
AEROS does not affect the pass through audio
quality or latency, but the AEROS must be powered on to pass through audio.
External expression pedal:
This is intended as an alternative to using the
volume wheel. Please note that this function is not yet available in the current
firmware and will be provided in a future update.
Loop Forgiveness Period:
If you press the button to start or end recording
within 300 ms after the measure line, AEROS will consider that you meant to
press the button on the measure line that just passed. This is for the comfort of
players who are used to pressing a button ‘on beat’ instead of in advance of the
measure line - most people miss the intended beat by fraction of a second.
Please note that starting a loop late will leave a visual “hole” in the beginning of
the loop waveform, however the audio is captured in the loop.