Before proceeding with the operation of the 385-3L, review the shock hazard
definition printed at the front of this manual.
This section of the manual contains information required to use and operate
the 385-3L in a safe and proper manner.
Safety Precautions
The 385-3L should only be used by personnel qualified to recognize shock
hazards shock and trained in the safety precautions required to avoid per-
sonal injury.
Do not work alone when making measurements of circuits where a shock
hazard may exist. Notify another person that you are, or intend to make
such measurements.
Locate all voltage sources and accessible paths prior to making mea-
surement connections. Check that the equipment is properly grounded
and that the right rating and type of fuse(s) is installed. Set the Instrument
to the proper range before power is applied.
Remember: Voltages may appear unexpectedly in defective equipment.
An open bleeder resistor may result in a capacitor retaining a dangerous
charge. Turn off power and discharge all capacitors before connecting or
disconnecting test leads to and from the circuit being measured.
Hands, shoes, floor, and workbench must be dry. Avoid making measure-
ments under humid, damp, or other environmental conditions that could
affect the dielectric withstanding voltage of the test leads or Instrument.
Do not come into contact with any object which could provide a current
path to the common side of the circuit under test or powerline ground.
Always stand on a dry insulated surface capable of withstanding the volt-
age being measured, or that could be encountered.
Test Probes
The Simpson Test Probe (00790) is recommended when surface tempera-
ture measurements are to be made. When free air ambient temperature mea-
surements are to be made, the Simpson Test Probe (00789) is recommended.
Preparation For Use
Plug the probes into connections marked 1, 2, and 3 on top of the Instru-
With the function switch OFF, it should be at the black diamond on the
scale. If it does not, correct the reading by turning the zero adjusting screw