Simplicity PSMP Assembly & Installation Download Page 3


Above Ground Pool SAfety


Failure to heed these warnings can result in permanent injury, 

paralysis From a broken neck, electrocution or drowning.

this pool is not designed For diving or jumping!

dangerous injury can result, shallow water!

your pool contains a large quantity of water, and is deep enough to present inherent dangers to life and health unless the follow-

ing safety rules are strictly observed. First-time users run the highest risk of injury. make sure everyone understands. to insure 

your pool is used safely you 


observe the following safety precautions:

1.  no JumPinG or divinG


The top rail of your pool is not a walkway and must not be used for jumping or diving. Do not 

permit jumping or diving into the pool from a deck or the top rail of the pool. Diving or jumping 

into the pool can result in serious injury.

2.  never uSe the Pool Alone

Never permit the pool to be used unless it is attended by at least one person other than the 

bather. Someone should always be available to lend assistance in an emergency.

3.  never leAve Children unAttended

Never leave a child alone and unsupervised in or near the pool—not even for a second. There 

is no substitute for constant adult supervision.

4.  no rouGh PlAy

Do not permit “rough-playin” in and around your pool. Surfaces can become slippery and 

hazardous when wet.

5.  liGht the Pool At niGht

If the pool is used after dusk, adequate lighting must be provided. Illumination in the pool area 

must be sufficient to clearly judge pool depth and all features in and around the pool. For light


ing recommendations, consult your local licensed electrical contractor

6.  reStriCt ACCeSS to the Pool

Do not leave chairs or other furniture beside the pool that could be used by a child to climb 

up into the pool. Ladders must be removed whenever the pool is unattended. A fence with a 

lockable gate around the pool or yard is strongly recommended and may be required by law in 

some jurisdictions.

7.  no AlCohol or druGS

Never drink alcoholic beverages or use any intoxicants which could hinder your judgment and 


8. KeeP your Pool CleAn And SAnitAry

Your filter system will remove suspended particles from the water and the surface skimmer 

will remove insects, leaves and other debris from the water surface. Use the correct pool 

chemicals as directed to destroy harmful bacteria and prevent formation of algae. Remember, 

unsanitary water is a serious health hazard.

the safety stickers must be installed as per following instructions. Failure to properly install warning labels will void warranty. 

Failure to mount these safety labels may subject you to substantial liability in case of injury. these warning are not to be removed 

under any circumstances! if they become discolored or fall off please request replacements which will be sent at no charge.

follow All SAfety inStruCtionS

read and follow all safety instructions packaged with pool, ladder, deck or any other accessory. 

additional pool safety publications can be obtained by contacting: the association of pool & 

spa professionals (













KeeP off toP ledGeS

Do not walk on top ledges. They can be slippery and they are not a walkway.



Pool Cover SAfety

The cover must have a tamperproof locking retainer cable that positions the cover around the 

pool wall and keeps it securely in place. Never allow anyone, especially small children on the 

cover. Asphyxiation or drowning could result. When purchasing any pool cover, please consult a 

swimming pool professional. 

11. eleCtriCAl hAzArd

Never  touch or attempt to service electrical equipment, including the filter when your body and/

or the ground is wet. Electrocution or permanent injury due to high voltage (120V AC) could 

result. The pool should be bonded in accordance with Section 680-26 of the National Electical 

Code. For further assistance contact your dealer or a local licensed electrician. Do not use pool 

during electrical or rain storms.



SAfety roPe & Pole

Keep a safety rope 1/4" by 50" with a flotation buoy with an outside diamter of 15".

 Have ac-

cessible in a prominent area by your pool. 

Keep a pole not less that 16 feet (4,88m) long with a 

blunt or hook end available at pool side in case of emergencies. 



Pool ChemiCAlS

Do not place chlorine, chlorine tablets or sticks directly into skimmer, or winterize your pool with 

liquid chlorine. 

Damage to the skimmer, pool liner and filter will result. Failure to obey this in


struction will void all component warranties. Always follow Chemical Manufacturer’s instructions 

when storing, handling and dispensing pool chemicals.



CheCK for dAmAGe

Periodically check your pool and ladder components for damage and wear. Be sure all screws 

are in place. Replace all damaged or worn components and tighten all screws before you use 

the pool, deck or ladders. At first sign remove rust and touch up immediately.

15. Pool PArtS

Never modify the pool or accessories, or remove or drill holes in the pool, deck or ladder com-

ponents unless instructed. Your pool wall is made of thin metal, there is an inherent cut hazard 

with metal so use gloves during installation. Always use Original Equipment Manufactured parts 

for your replacement parts.





































PleASe reAd before inStAllAtion

Summary of Contents for PSMP

Page 1: ...laws in your locale Never drink alcoholic beverages or use any intoxicants which could hinder your judgment and reflexes Never use pool alone All children must be supervised continuously Do not use po...

Page 2: ......

Page 3: ...fety labels may subject you to substantial liability in case of injury These warning are not to be removed under any circumstances If they become discolored or fall off please request replacements whi...

Page 4: ......

Page 5: ...d i u s 15 ROUND POOL 1 1 6 R a d i u s 21 ROUND POOL ROUND POOL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 7 R adius 12 ROUND POOL 1 0 R a d i u s 18 ROUND POOL 24 ROUND POOL Radius means the measurement from the cen...

Page 6: ...CITY 24 56 3 8 16 BOTTOM RAIL 12 Round 39198 BOTTOM RAIL SIMPLICITY 12 55 7 16 8 15 Round 39199 BOTTOM RAIL SIMPLICITY 15 56 5 16 10 18 Round 39200 BOTTOM RAIL SIMPLICITY 18 56 3 8 12 21 Round 39201 B...

Page 7: ...ngth to the radius of the pool area 1 2 the pool size plus 12 mark off the circumference with a sharp object lawn edger white powder or spray paint After all of the sod has been removed you must make...

Page 8: ...OR ASSEMBLY Bottom rails and bottom rail connectors are the ones that go on the ground You need to take them and place them in a circle along the circumference of the pool area Assemble the bottom rai...

Page 9: ...kes to support wall Wall joint will be here STEP 5 WALL JOINT ASSEMBLY IMPORTANT This operation must be done carefully When joining the sidewall make sure that the aluminum strips do not touch each ot...

Page 10: not covered by the warranty After the cove and the base are in place rake and tap the entire pool area Make sure that no sand is allowed to remain on the wall above the cove This could cause pinho...

Page 11: ...iner wall seam hang the liner over the wall making sure that the seam is straight up and down perpendicular to the floor This will assure you that the liner begins going over the wall straight As you...

Page 12: ...rtant that you know that your pool s warranty specifically excludes any kind of winter damage This includes damage caused by winter covers Even though most winter covers include a cable to secure them...
