Shuts down and cleanly reboots the system. Note that
this takes tens of seconds to complete
sntp [options]: Used to configure and display the
SNTP Time Server settings.
[-h host] Set the SNTP Time Server hostname
or ip address to synch with.
Default host is:
[-p port] Set the SNTP Time Server port to
use. Default: 123
[-i interval] Set the time synch interval
in seconds. Range: 60 to 604800
Default: 7200 secs
[-t timeout] Set the synch response timeout
in microseconds. Range: 1000 to 120000
Default: 10000 ms
[-s] Trigger an immediate SNTP Time
Synchronization attempt.
Displays current system status
timezone [offset]: Used to configure and display
the Clock's TimeZone settings.
offset - The timezone offset from UTC to apply in
hours:minutes. The minutes specification is
optional, and defaults to 0.
The valid offset range is: -12:59 to 12:59
Examples: United States: East: -5, Central: -6,
Mountain: -7, Pacific: -8
©2007 Simplex Time Recorder Co. All rights reserved.
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