StreamCaster 4000 series MIMO Radio User Manual
Silvus Technologies Confidential
. Once this is done, the user will need to hit enter to
keep the node name. Otherwise it will change back to what it was. This feature enables quick
identification of nodes in the field and is especially useful in mission critical situations with many
mobile assets. The user can click on the ‘Save Labels in Flash’ button to store the node names to
the radio’s flash memory. This will store the names on the radio even after the radio is powered
off. The saved labels can al
so be cleared back to the defaults by clicking ‘Clear Labels in Flash’. The
node labels set in one radio can also be broadcasted to other radios in the network by clicking the
‘Broadcast Node Labels’ button.
Figure 45 Custom Node Naming
Node Position
You can customize the node positions in the network topology page by click and
dragging the node dot. If you would like to save the custom node positions, you can save these
positions to the flash memory on the radio. You can also broadcast and save these node
positioning to all other radios on the network.
Send Traffic Between Nodes
Users can send test traffic across radios within a network using the built-in iPerf feature. This
feature can be accessed by clicking the blue arrow icon ( ) on the top right of the graphic. If you
hover over the icon the title “Send traffic between nodes” will appear. This will pull out the menu
where users can specify UDP/TCP data, source/destination, port, time to send, and datagram size
as seen below in
Radio that sends data (Client)
Radio that is listening (Server)
Destination port:
Port number for the data transfer
Time to Send (TTS):
Amount of time user wants to send data
Bandwidth (BW) to Send:
Data rate to send, in Mbps
Datagram Size:
Size of the datagram
Effective Bandwidth:
The actual network load.
The variation in delays in the received packet.
Lost/Total Datagrams:
The amount of packets lost vs total packets sent