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Pest Control 




Pest Control 





How does Mice & Rat Free 80/200


Mice & Rat Free 80/200

 uses a combination of ultrasonic 

and electromagnetic pulses to unsettle and create an unbearable environment for mice and rats. The emitted 
ultrasonic signal deters mice from taking up residence in the area where the device is sited, i.e. an open 
area of up to 80m


. The electromagnetic pulse supplements the ultrasonic effect and aims to deter rodents 

from using wiring as a rat-run. Suitable for spaces where there is a constant mains supply because of other 
electrical units. 

Will Mice &Rat Free 80/200

 cover all of my house? 

The pulses travel along live electric cables. The 

powerful ultrasonic signal extends over an open area of 80 m


. Remember that high-frequency sound cannot 

penetrate solid material, such as walls, ceilings, floors, cabinet doors etc.

How long does it take before Mice & Rat Free80/200

 begins to work? 

A change can normally be 

noticed immediately. In some cases it takes a bit longer. If the rodents are already well established, you can 
temporarily use traps to exterminate the old infestation. 

How will I know when Mice & Rat Free 80/200

 is active? 

The LEDs light up when the device is 


What are the summer-winter settings? 

The ultrasonic frequency band can be adjusted using the button 

on the side. The SUMMER setting should also deter crawling insects. The WINTER setting is optimised to 
deter rodents. In the OFF position the ultrasonic signal is switched off.

What pests does Mice & Rat Free 80/200

 work on? 

Mice & Rat Free 80/200

 affects rodents. Pets 

such as rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters and other rodents are also sensitive to ultrasonic sound and should 
not be kept in the same part of the house.

Is Mice & Rat Free 80/200

 safe to use in the home?  

Mice & Rat Free 80/200

 is harmless to 

children, cats, dogs, birds and fish. Nor does it affect other electrical equipment.

To get the most out of your Silverline


 Mice & Rat Free 80/200



please read the following instructions carefully:

• Plug the unit into a wall socket and it will immediately begin generating electromagnetic pulses in live 
electric cables by means of the ElectroPulse

 function and transmitting a powerful ultrasonic signal in the 

space around the unit by means of the A-Frequency

 function. The red LED begins flashing to indicate that 

the pulse function is operating. The green LED indicates that the ultrasonic signal is operating. 
• The pulse rate can be adjusted using the button on the side. Switching between SLOW and QUICK mode 
every 4 weeks or so is recommended, to avoid the rodents becoming accustomed to the pulsing. 
• A magnetic field is automatically created around any electric cables connected to a power source. The load 
should be at least 40 W to generate a sufficiently large magnetic field. 
• Remember that older lead-sheathed cables have a more limited magnetic field than ordinary plastic cables. 
• In SUMMER mode the frequency range varies and can drop to a lower frequency that may be audible to 
some people. If the sound can be perceived, we recommend using the WINTER setting only. The ultrasonic 
signal can be switched off completely in the OFF position.
• High-frequency sound cannot penetrate solid objects and is absorbed by soft textiles and insulation. For 
that reason, be sure to site the unit in an open space where the sound waves can flow freely. The sound will 
bounce off hard surfaces. However, insulation material and soft textiles will reduce sound propagation.
• Rodents such as hamsters, guinea pigs and similar pets are also sensitive to ultrasonic sound and should 
not be kept in the same part of the house. 
• In exceptional cases, the human ear may find high-frequency sound disturbing. So site any units in areas 
where they will not affect humans.
