4.3 Virtual COM Port
The virtual COM port (VCOM) is a connection to a UART on the EFR32MG24, and allows serial data to be sent and received from the
device. The on-board debugger presents this as a virtual COM port on the host computer that shows up when the USB cable is inser-
Data is transferred between the host computer and the debugger through the USB connection, which emulates a serial port using the
USB Communication Device Class (CDC). From the debugger, the data is passed on to the target device through a physical UART
The serial format is 115200 bps, 8 bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit by default.
Changing the baud rate for the COM port on the PC side does not influence the UART baud rate between the debugger and the
target device. However, it is possible to change the VCOM baud rate through the kits Admin Console available through Simplicity Stu-
Alternatively, the VCOM port can also be used through the Mini Simplicity Connector with an external Wireless mainboard. Using the
VCOM port through the Mini Simplicity Connector with an external Wireless mainboard works in a similar way, but requires that the
USB cable to the on-board debugger is unplugged. The board controller on the Wireless mainboard then makes the data available over
USB (CDC) or an IP socket. Flow control is not available over the Mini Simplicity Connector.
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