RS9116 CC0 Connectivity Module Datasheet v1.0.10, December 2021
| Building a more connected world.
Rev 1.0.10
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1. VBATT supply shown above must be connected to the power supply pins of IC/Module. For example, SDIO_IO_VDD, ULP_IO_VDD, UULP_VBATT_1, etc.
Power-Up and Down Sequence with POC_IN connected internally
The diagram below shows connections of various power supply voltages, POC_IN and RESET_N. The typical applications of this connection can be as follows. This
connection is
Not Recommended for New Design.
System cannot provide external 1.4V & 1.1V supplies and the internal buck and LDO of RS9116 are used.
POC_IN is looped back from POC_OUT.
1. Above shown is a typical connection diagram. Check the Reference Schematics for connections of other power supplies.
2. POC_OUT can be connected to POC_IN if the supply voltage is 3.3V only. Else, POC_IN has to be driven externally.
3. This connection is
Not Recommended for New Design
, and it is recommended to drive POC_IN externally as shown in the above section. If POC_IN cannot be driven
externally, then an RC circuit delay can be provided in between POC_IN and POC_OUT, for delaying the POC_OUT signal reaching the POC_IN.