1. Description of the modem
Sigrand modems «SG-17B» are S
НDSL-modems with Ethernet interface
designed for integrating distributed local networks and connecting remote
computers and devices that are supplied with Ethernet interface.
Feature of a number of modification modem (SG-17B-261, SG-17B-161) is
the ability to obtain, and for modifications (SG-17B-441, SG-17B-351) the
possibility of filing, remote powering through a SHDSL line (Power-over-
DSL). Feature to obtain is available when the modem is used in
combination with the following equipment produced by « Sigrand »:
DSLAM SG-17S (with interface modules MS-17H4P2);
Router SG-17R (with interface modules MR-17H1P2 and MR-
Regenerators SG-17E2P-SLG;
Modems modifications SG-17B-441, SG-17B-351;
Modems SG-17B-111, SG-17B-121, and SG-17B-141 are powered from a
local power source with voltage 3.3, 12, or 48 V - in this case, SG-17B
modems can be operated in combination with Sigrand non-function of the
remote powering:
DSLAM SG-17S (with interface modules MS-17H4);
Router SG-17R (with interface modules MR-17H1 and MR-
Modems SG-17B of various modifications.
Ethernet interface of modems SG-17B-541 and SG-17B-261 allows
connection of devices powered through Power-over-Ethernet technology
(IEEE 802.3af standard, Class2). Also modems modification SG-17B-151
and SG-17B-351 can be powered by technology Power-over-Ethernet
(IEEE 802.3af standard, Class1, Class3).
A full list of modification series modem Sigrand SG-17B is shown in table 2
(page 11).