3.3.6. Statistics of the SHDSL connection
To review the statistics of the connection, the command
is used:
> stat
dsl_link: online
SNR_Margin 19dB, Loop Attenuation 1dB, pbo_Value 6
ES_count 0, SES_count 0, CRC_Anomaly_count 0, LOSWS_count 0,
UAS_count 0, Loss_count 0
– signal/noise proportion in the line (dB);
Lopp Attenuation
level of signal attenuation in the line (dB);
Power Backoff
– level of power backoff in the line (dB);
the number of one-second intervals
during which
either at least one CRC abnormality was detected, or more than
one LOSW errors;
the number of one-second intervals
during which
either at least 50 CRC abnormalities occurred or more than one
LOSW errors (for standard frame length, 50 CRC abnormalities
during one second correspond to 30% of invalid frames);
– the number of CRC abnormalities
detected during the period of monitoring;
– the number of one-second intervals
which more than one LOSW errors were detected;
– the number of one-second intervals
during which
the SHDSL channel was not available. After a failure, the channel
is considered available when no SES occurred during 10
seconds. These 10 seconds are not counted as those during
which the channel was not available.
After each enquiry, the statistics is reset.