HSM 3000
Two limit switches interrupts the lowering motion of the
carriage immediately when actuated. The carriage then
returns to its initial position and the control unit indi-
cates a fault.
As an option a photocell can be fitted below the strap
guide frame. This detects whether the package are
: Two electric motors with toothed belts for
the guide rail are fitted to the left and right of the strap
guide frame. The guide rail moves towards the packa-
ged goods and thus allows the strap to be positioned
precisely. The basic position of the guide rail is monito-
red by two magnetic switches.
e) Control desk
The control desk contains the entire electrical con-
trol unit. This is memory-programmed and stored on
EPROMs. The command and indicating units are
mounted on the door of the desk. They are described
separately in Chapter 4.2.1.
f) Dispenser
The dispenser (Fig. 2) is provided to accept plastic
strap coils with a core diameter of 405 mm. It is fitted
with a strap magazine in the form of a roll support. The
stock of strap in the roll support must be greater than
the amount which has to be fed for a strapping operati-
on. The pulley block also has the function of accepting
the strap returned before sealing.
The dispenser also includes:
– an electromagnetic spring tension brake (2/1)
– two proximity switches
– „Dispenser block down“ (2/2)
– „Dispenser block up“ (2/1)
a) Strapping head, type H 3000
The strapping head is fitted on the carriage (b). It has
the function of feeding and retracting, tensioning, wel-
ding and cutting the plastic strap.
The strapping head is described in separate operating
instructions H 3000.
b) Carriage
The carriage supports the strapping head, the horizon-
tal drive and a part of the strap guide system.
The vertical movement is carried out using an electric
gear motor mounted on the top of the machine stand.
The carriage is moved up and down using a shaft,
chain wheels and two chains. The gear motor is equip-
ped with an electro-magnetically actuated spring-loaded
The carriage is equipped with a slack chain control, this
stops the motor when the carriage should rest on a pak-
kaged good. This prevents uncoiling of the chain and
thus sagging of the carriage.
The limit switches „Strapping unit up“ and „Strapping
unit retracted“ are situated in the initial position range of
the machine.
The strapping head is driven horizontally against the
packaged goods by an electric motor with toothed belt.
The horizontal movement is limited by the proximity
switches „Package sensing“ and „Strapping unit rear“.
The strapping head is flexibly supported in the strap
direction, so that the strap tension is the same on both
sides of the seal.
The strapping head can be manually swivelled upwards
by 90° for better accessibility for maintenance work etc.
c) Machine stand
The machine stand is made of steel and hollow sec-
tions and carries the vertical drive and the vertically
movable carriage.
The actuating cams for the limit switches are adjust-
ably mounted on the left-hand column. They are used
to control the vertical stroke of the carriage.
A flashing lamp can be fitted as an option on the upper
cross-member to serve for collective fault indication of:
– end of strap
– strap misfeed
– collision guard
d) Strap guide frame
The strap guide frame carries the strap guide system,
which is fitted with fixed and individually sprung strap
guide flaps.
The collision safety device is fitted above the strap
guide frame. This protects the carriage from damage if
the pallet is positioned incorrectly.
Fig. 2 Dispenser
1 Proximity switch „Roll support top“
2 Proximity switch „Roll support bottom“
3 Spring tension brake