There are 32 illuminated source buttons on the panel. The LED incorporated into
each source button tracks the LEVEL 1 selection. The LED’s only illuminate when the input is
within the range of the panel. For example, if the panel is set for sources 1-32, but the Level 1
window is displaying 108, no LED will be on. This may occur if the switch was performed by a
different control panel or via the serial port.
The group select DIP switch on the rear of the control panel determines to which group of 32
sources this panel is assigned. This panel can control sources 1-32, 33-64, 65-96 or 97-128. Refer
to the chart in the next section to select the desired source group assignment.
The SBX-32 will only function with valid source data received from the SCI-ADX system
control interface module. If SCI-ADX is set for 16 sources, the only SOURCE switches that are
functional are 1-16. Another example would be if the SCI-ADX is set for 48 sources and the SBX
panel was set to the SOURCE group 33-64, only switches 33-48 would be operational on the
The red switch on the right side of the control panel is the TAKE button. When pressed, it
sends the SCI-ADX a request to change the OUTPUT to the preset condition. The status of the
switch request will be transmitted back to the panel by the SCI-ADX. When the control panel
receives the updated status, the display will stop flashing and reflect the current status of that
output. It should be noted that although there may be a slight delay before the display stops
flashing after pressing the TAKE button, the actual switch is made immediately by the SCI. The
control panel update is slightly delayed as it awaits the response from the SCI-ADX. If the displays
remain flashing after a TAKE is generated, there is possibly a problem with the SCI or the COMM
The selected OUTPUT of the control panel can be reviewed by pressing the TAKE key. The
OUTPUT will be displayed in the LEVEL 4 window for 2 seconds. This must be done when there
are no preset conditions.
The panel is also capable of switching without the use of the TAKE switch. This
is accomplished by setting DIP switch S1,7 to ON, at the rear of the control panel. Reminder:
power to the control panel must be reset whenever the DIP switch configuration is changed. In the
AUTOTAKE mode, the transaction is performed at the completion of the source selection.
The panel is capable of addressing any output from 1 to 128. The charts in the
following section will show how to set the switches for the desired output.
There are two possible errors that can occur if the rear panel DIP
switches are not set to a valid configuration.
If the panel is set up for an
address that exceeds the maximum output value on the
SCI-ADX, the illuminated keys will scan rapidly from the right to the left.
If the panel is set up for a
group that exceeds the maximum input value on the SCI-
ADX, the illuminated keys will scan rapidly from the left to the right. For example, if the panel is set
for Inputs 97-128, but the SCI-ADX is set for Inputs 1-64 or less.
In either case the problem must be corrected at the control panel or the SCI-ADX. Typically
this problem will be due to the control panel being improperly configured. The control panel must
be turned off and on again before proper operation will begin.
In addition to these error indicators, there is one other potential problem in which the SBX will
raise a flag. If for any reason the SBX is unable to communicate with the SCI-ADX, which is the
control interface card located in the master frame, the requested input will flash. This is an
indication that there is a communication problem in the system. The most likely cause would be a
faulty or disconnected coaxial COMM cable.