8) Slide a second Wheel Collar onto the axle and up to the
wheel. Leave a small gap between it and the wheel, so the
wheel will turn freely, and then tighten the wheel collar set
9) Check the orientation of the landing gear to make sure
you know which way is forward. The landing gear should angle
to the rear of the airplane. Test fit the wheel pants over the
wheels and line up the predrilled mounting holes. Secure the
wheel pants in place with two M3 x 12mm socket head bolts
on each pant.
10) Using three M4 x 20mm Socket-Head Bolts and three
M4 Split-Ring Lock Washers attach the landing gear to the
For the following steps you will need:
(1) Fuselage
(1) Wing
(1) Stabilizer & Elevator set.
(1) Vertical Fin & Rudder Set
(2) M6.5 Nylon Wing Bolts
(1) Tailwheel assembly, including Wheel and Wheel Collars
(2) M3 x 12mm Screws
(1) Nylon Rudder Steering Clasp with Bolt and Hex Nut
(2) Nylon Control Horns
(6) M2 x 14mm Sheet Metal Screws
11) Just like the aileron hinges, the elevator hinges are fac-
tory installed, but not yet glued. Hinge the elevator assembly
to the stabilizer, using the same techniques you did for the
ailerons - refer to page 5 of this manual. Let the hinges dry
adequately before proceeding.
12) Look closely and you will see three holes pre-drilled in
one of the elevators for mounting a nylon control horn. Screw
the control horn in position on the bottom of the right elevator,
using three M2 x 12mm screws. When the tips of the screws
begin to emerge at the top surface of the elevator, add the con-
trol horn's nylon retaining plate. Continue turning in the screws
until the horn and retaining plate are snug against both sur-
faces of the elevator. Do not over tighten the screws and crush
the wood.
13) Bolt the wing in place on the fuselage with the Nylon
Wing Bolts provided. Then pin the stabilizer and elevator
assembly in place on the fuselage. It's time to check the align-
ment of the stabilizer to the wing.
a) First view the model from directly in front. Check to see
if the stabilizer is level with the wing. You should find it to be
very close. If necessary use a sanding block to fine tune the
stabilizer platform to level the stabilizer to the wing.
b) Next use a tape measure to measure the distance from
each stab tip to the back edge of the wing - the distance should
be equal on both sides. Adjust if necessary. When you are sat-
isfied with the alignment, proceed to the next step.
14) The horizontal stabilizer is now glued in place into the
rear of the fuselage. We suggest using slow drying epoxy glue