Follow their instructions closely when applying the material, as different brand
coverings can have slightly different handling characteristics and application
temperatures. However, the basic techniques for applying iron-on plastic
coverings of any brand are similar, and the following hints and photos should be
NOTE: The structure shown is of a different model but the same procedures are
The structure that is to be covered must be clean, dry, and dustfree. Sand all surfaces smooth with fine sandpaper.
Remember that the covering material cannot hide poor workmanship. Wipe the entire surface with a tack rag or a cloth
dampened with alcohol to remove all excess dust.
NOTE: Cover the bottom of the wing first and then the top of the wing. This leaves the overlapping seam on the bottom.
Cut the covering material to the required size allowing approximately one inch excess around the edges. Remove the
plastic backing and lay the adhesive side of the covering material against the structure. Have it as smooth as possible
before beginning to iron.
Tack down at several places along the outside edge. Next seal the entire edge of the structure. Don't try to shrink the
covering tight until later.
NOTE: Wipe surface of iron periodically to remove any colored adhesive that may ooze from the covering material.
a. Trim off the excess with a razor blade or a modeling knife.
b. Seal the loose edges down with the iron.
Repeat the process on the top of the wing.
Shrink the covering in the inner areas with the iron. Keep the iron moving, allowing the heat to shrink the covering at the
same rate. To keep the covering from "ballooning-up", put small pin-holes in each rib bay on the bottom of the wing.
A heat gun could also be used to shrink the covering. Keep it moving - 4" to 6" above the surface. It will melt the covering if
held too close. Don't hurry the process.
Seal down all over-lapping seams and edges.
NOTE: The wing instructions refer to built-up structures with open framework areas. When covering sheet surfaces better
results may be obtained by starting at the center and working toward the outer edges. This allows the air to escape from
under the covering as it is applied.