70. Secure the servo, using the manufacturer's mount or mount on hardwood rails. See "Radio Installation" for more information
on mounting servos.
Cut off 2-1/2" at the threaded end of one of the threaded rods. Put a "Z" bend (or a
"L" bend if you are going to use a pushrod keeper) in the non-threaded area of the
Clean the threaded area with a rag dipped in alcohol or thinner. This will remove
any oil from the wire. Thread the wire into the inner tubing. Use epoxy or
cyanoacrylate "super" glue to glue the threaded rod into the tubing.
Slide the inner pushrod tubing into the outer pushrod tubing. Install the Z-bend through the servo arm and hook it up to the
servo. This will give an indication of where the outer tubing is to be fastened to F-3.
Remove the inner tubing and use a
piece of scrap 1/32" plywood to make a
mounting bracket for the outer tubing as
shown. Epoxy glue this bracket in place
Epoxy glue the outer tubing in place at
the rear of the fuselage. Wipe off any
excess glue.
Use a single edge razor blade and trim the outer tubing flush with the outside of the fuselage side.
Fill in any holes around the pushrod with scrap balsa. Sand flush with a sanding block
Repeat the same procedure for the elevator pushrod. When complete the servo installation should look similar to that
Sheet the top of the fuselage with pieces of cross-grained 3/32" sheet balsa. Smooth the rough edges with a sanding block.