38. Mark in 1/8" from the outside line. Cut this piece out of the sheet using the inside lines just drawn. This will be the hatch
a. Trim one of the 1/16"x1/2"x2-1/4" plywood pieces to fit the front of the hatch doubler.
b. Butt glue this to the front of the doubler with epoxy.
c. Trim the hatch doubler so it will be able to fit inside the fuselage sides.
Place the fuselage on top of a piece of 1/16"x3" balsa. The balsa piece should fit up against the top front fuselage sheeting.
Mark the outline of the hatch on the balsa sheet.
Measure 1/2" back from the rear end of the hatch top and mark a line at this point.
Cut out the hatch top.
Glue the other piece of 1/16"x1/2"x2-1/4" plywood to the rear of the hatch top (a butt joint).
Glue the hatch doubler to the hatch top. Pictured is the completed hatch as viewed from the bottom.
Cut out R-I, R-2, R-3, and the stabilizer from the 1/8" balsa printed sheet. Be sure to cut outside of the lines.
Sand down to the lines.
Glue R-I, R-2, and R-3 together. Use the
marks A, B, and C for a good line-up.
In any conflict between the plan and these instructions, follow the
instructions as they are revised more frequently than the plan.
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Sig Hummer SIGRC50 Instruction Manual