During measurement, the instrument gives
a short acous c signal every second and
the display shows a screen similar to that
reported here to the side, which contains:
The RAMP func on selected
The bar graph propor onal to the
measured resistance value
The numerical indica on of the
measured resistance
The segment relevant to the current ramp point, flashing
The actual test voltage (relevant to the current ramp point)
The symbol of the alarm bell (if the measured value is not within the set limits and/or if
the value of the test voltage is lower than the set nominal value)
The value of the remaining test me (relevant to the current ramp point)
The plug symbol (if the instrument is supplied from the mains)
The ba ery symbol steadily illuminated or flashing (if ba eries are flat or are being
The mer symbol
The two "flash" symbols to indicate a dangerous voltage
The message "
While measuring, it is also possible to display the leakage current, the capacitance the
number N of the cycle the instrument is performing, which cyclically show when pressing
the arrow keys.
If you want to stop the test in advance before the set number N of cycles is reached, press
Once measurement is complete and any
capacitance has been discharged, the
instrument shows:
The value of the measured insula on
The value of the actually generated
voltage V1
The value of the
me relevant to
parameter T1
If the measured resistance value is
between the (MIN - MAX) limits
previously set, the instrument shows
OK and gives a double acoustic signal
(see § 4.10.1, § 4.10.2, § 4.10.3)