Raven XT-Telus CDMA Sierra Wireless Cellular Modem
Baud rate of the SC105 must match the baud rate in the modem
(which has to be supported by the datalogger). SC105 settings for use
with the RavenXT are listed below, which are configured using the
DevConfig utility.
SC105 settings for the RavenXT:
CS I/O Mode: SDC Address 7
RS-232 Mode: Modem
Baud Rate: 115.2K or 9600 baud depending on datalogger model
8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity
Make sure the modem is connected to the “DCE Device” connector
on the SC932A, or the “Modem” connector on the SC105.
A null modem cable is required to connect the modem to a
datalogger’s RS-232 port. No other interface is required.
Check your LoggerNet setup.
Make sure the port number at the end of the IP address matches the
port number of the Raven (e.g. 6785, see Figure 7-1).
FIGURE 7-1. Device Port Configuration