The purpose of a routing switcher is to switch any of the inputs (source) to any one of the outputs
(destination). Any input can be connected to any or all outputs but each output can only be
connected to a single input. Control remains the most important component of your new system.
The standard local control panel empowers full control of the routing switcher while allowing
external RS-232 control via the serial port.
Power Up
Once all signal and control connections have been made, turn on the power switch. AC to the
router is indicated by a illuminated power switch button. If you have power up problems ensure
that the AC fuse on the back of the switcher is seated properly.
On power up, the controller will restore the routing switcher to the last state it was in before the
power was turned off including all configuration settings as well as crosspoint switcher status.
Local Control Panel Operation
The standard local control panel consists of four pushbuttons, a rotary knob, and an 80-character
LED display. Use these features to switch between video and audio, scroll between options, and
view the status of your selected destination.