Connecting To Video Devices
Video sources and output devices (such as monitors, or recorders) may be connected to the
routing switchers through the BNC type connectors located on the back of the unit. Keep in mind
that the output signal format will be that of the input signal format.
All signal connections that use more than one cable interconnecting between devices should be
of equal timing length (example: cables between a camera and the switcher should have the
same time delay).
Connecting To Audio Devices
Audio sources and output devices (such as amplifiers or recorders) are connected to the
switchers through the terminal block connectors located at, and marked, on the rear of the
Balanced/Unbalanced Audio Connections
All audio sources from the routing switcher are balanced audio. Connect the balanced audio to
the balanced input of your destination device(s).
If this is a 2-channel system used for stereo audio, ensure that you keep the same phase
relationship. Connect the positive designated pin to the same relative pin on the destination
device of both channels.
To connect an unbalanced device to the switcher, first place a jumper between the negative (-)
and the ground on the switcher (jumper not included.) Then connect the device positive (+) to
positive (+) and shield to ground as shown in the graphic below.
For unbalanced sources, connect the unbalanced source to one side of the balanced input and
ground. The other input does not have to be grounded. Note, always use the same side of the
balanced input for stereo.
Series 16 Terminal block connectors