Figure 18
Air box clean out, air damper adjustment
The EASYFIRE will automatically switch to 12 volt backup
provided you have the 12 volt option installed.
existing flue must be installed with a tee connector (
Figu re
3,4,& 5
) to allow access to clean the ash from the pellet
vent pipe.
Fly-ash will accum ulate below the burn pot. Rem ove
the air box clean out and depose of ash. Use care not
m ove air dam per s etting.
Hop per Clean Ou t:
Vacuum the accumulated saw
dust in the hopper weekly. Keep free of debris and
foreign material. AN ACCUMU LATION OF SAW
be st res ults this shou ld be don e on a reg ular ba sis
depending upon how often the heater is used. If you
burn the heater all the tim e you should do this every
eight to ten days.
Cleaning the Exhaust Fan Blade & Heat Exchang-
The exhaust blower should be checked for
excessive fly ash buildup. Regular and routine mainte-
nance utilizing the
feature will keep the
ex ha us t blo we r ho us ing and fa n blades clean . This
cleaning can only be done when the heater is NOT
burning. For best results run the fan in the
with the door open
for approx im ate ly
one minute or until ash is no longer being picked up by
the fan. Remem ber, you must always check the clean
out cap on the tee after utilizing the CLEAN OUT
Keeping the Glass Clean:
If soo t dep osits
accumulate on the glass, clean with window glass
cleaner and a paper towel when the glass is cold.
Polishing the Gold and Chrom e:
All chrome and
gold plating used on the EASYFIRE heater can be
cleaned with a soft cloth and non -abrasive cleaner.
Cleaning & Polishing Gold Plated Parts:
Gold is a
soft metal and therefore a fragile surface. Prior to the
firs t bu rn it is im po rtant to use W index or c om pa rable
prod uc t an d a soft clean cloth to w ipe any m arks off all
gold surf ace s or th e he at will cau se th e m ark s to
remain in the surface permanently. Always clean the
gold surface when the heater is COO L.
Doo r glass replace me nt:
Should the door glass
become broken it may be replaced by scraping the
sealer from around the outer edge of the glass.
Carefully pry gla ss fro m door fra m e th en clean all
sealer from frame. Obtain a replacement glass from
your local dealer and attach glass to door using High
Tem pe rature S ilcon S ea ler (m in. 4 00 deg.F ). App ly
sea ler to all fou r corners of the glass and set g lass into
frame. Apply sealer to mating edge of glass and frame.
Allow two h ours dry tim e be fore installing d oor o nto
hea ter.
Note : Replac e w ith Pyro-Ce ramic G lass only.
Refer to parts list for specifications.
The following scenarios are provided in order to help you
locate a difficulty if the heater performs in a manner which
would seem to indicate a malfunction:
P ro ble m :
I loaded the h eater for start-up, lit the fire
starter and pellets but the fire didn't keep going.
Ch eck pow er co rd to s ee th at it is plugg ed in.
Rem ember that the timer on start up runs about 10
m inutes and if the he ater h as n ot he ated up e nou gh to
deactivate the timer you will have to start over by turning
the knob to off and then back to FAN or LOW.
P ro ble m :
The heater was lit and burning properly, then
suddenly it stopped feeding pellets.
a) C he ck pellet s up ply in hopp er. If em pty, fill
and follow start-up procedure as outlined in the
beginning of this manual. b) Occasionally, a foreign
object, debris or an excessive amount of sawdust can
en ter the fee d m ec ha nis m and ja m the fee d chu te. If this
happens, you must em pty the hopper and check the
feed chute to see what is causing the jam. Rem ove any
foreign m aterial or object and re-start the heater.
Keep fingers and hands clear of feed
mechanism when heater is on.
P ro ble m :
Th e fire w as b urnin g we ll and the n it beg an to
overfeed pellets and started backing up into the pellet
feed chute, smothering the fire.
W he n th e pellets a re overfeed ing, it us ua lly
means that the air flow has been reduced. Check the
firepot air intake holes to be sure they are clear. Check
to se e if firepot wa s pro perly se ated in pot tra y. Che ck to
see if the manifold may have filled with fly ash. If you use
a low grade pellet, and clinkers (fused ash and dirt) form
in the bottom of the firepot, it will choke the air intake
(you might consider changing the brand of pellets to one
that burns cleaner). You m ust let the fire go out before
rem oving and clean ing the firepo t.
Ne ve r va cuum ou t the hea ter w hen th e he ater is in
operation! The hot ashes can lodge in your vacuum
cleaner and cause a fire!
You m us t cle an the m an ifold and air b ox reg ularly in
order to insure a good air to fuel ratio, thus allowing the
heater to "breathe" properly. You must also check the vent
pipe and tee to see that they are not clogged and full of ash.
P ro ble m :
Heater was burning well and then soot began
form ing on the glass door.
Black soot forming on the glass door means
that the combustion is not right and the heater needs a
good clean out. Some brands of pellets burn much
richer than others and you might have to change brands
of pellets and/or have the air/fuel settings re-adjusted by
your dealer. It is normal to have the glass cloud up after
several hours of burning but it should wipe off with a
go od win do w c leane r. If the glass turns black quick ly,
then the heate r nee ds a goo d clea n ou t.