2.1 Braking Module
Braking Module / braking resistor
Operating Instructions, 11/2017, A5E00331454A
Material damage due to loose power connections
Insufficient tightening torques or vibration can result in faulty electrical connections. This
can cause fire damage or malfunctions.
Tighten all power connections with the specified tightening torques, e.g. line supply
connection, motor connection, DC-link connections.
Check the tightening torques of all power connections at regular intervals and tighten
them when required. This applies in particular after transport.
Damage through the use of non-released braking resistors
Braking resistors can be damaged when using braking resistors other than those specified
in this manual.
Only use braking resistors released by Siemens.
Braking Module
A Braking Module (and an external braking resistor) is required in certain cases when the
drive is to be braked or brought to a standstill (e.g. EMERGENCY STOP category 1). The
Braking Module contains the power electronics and the associated Control Unit. The supply
voltage for the electronics is drawn from the DC link.
During operation, the DC-link energy is converted to heat loss in an external braking resistor.
The Braking Module functions independently of the converter closed-loop controller. In the
case of Power Modules with frame sizes HX and JX, it is possible to operate several Braking
Modules in parallel in order to enhance performance. In this case, each Braking Module
must be fitted with its own braking resistor.
The Braking Module is inserted in a slot inside the Power Module, the fan of which ensures
forced cooling. The Braking Module is connected to the DC link by means of the busbar sets
and flexible cables, which are supplied as standard.