ET 200pro Distributed I/O System - Fail-Safe Modules
Operating Instructions, 05/2007, A5E00394073-02
PROFINET IO Supervisor
A PROFINET IO supervisor is a programming device/PC or HMI device used for
commissioning and diagnostics.
PROFINET IO controller with assigned PROFINET IO devices
PROFIsafe is the safety-related PROFIBUS DP/PA bus profile for communication between
the -> safety program and the -> F-I/O in an -> F-system.
PROFIsafe Address
Every -> fail-safe module has a PROFIsafe address. You must configure the PROFIsafe
address in
STEP 7 HW Config and set it on the F-I/O using a switch.
PROFIsafe Monitoring Time
Monitoring time for safety-related communication between the F-CPU and F-I/O
Proof-Test Interval
The proof-test interval is the time after which a component must be put into a fault-free state.
That is, it is replaced by an unused component or it is proven to be completely fault-free.
-> M-switch
Redundancy, Availability-Enhancing
Multiple instances of components with the goal of maintaining component function even in
the event of hardware faults.
Redundancy, Safety-Enhancing
Multiple instances of components with the goal of detecting hardware faults through
comparison; for example, -> 1oo2 evaluation in -> fail-safe modules.
Once a fault has been eliminated, the -> F-I/O must be reintegrated (depassivated).
Reintegration (switchover from fail-safe values to process data) occurs automatically or,
alternatively, after user acknowledgment in the safety program.
For an F-I/O module with inputs, the process data pending at the fail-safe inputs are
provided again for the -> safety program after reintegration. For an F-I/O module with
outputs, the -> F-system again transfers the output values provided in the safety program to
the fail-safe outputs.