Technical Specifications
A.1 Technical Specifications of the CP 440
Point-to-point connection CP 440 Installation and Parameter Assignment
Manual, 09/2007, A5E00057742-03
Technical Specifications of the X27 (RS 422/485) Interface
The following table contains the technical specifications of the X27 (RS 422/ 485) interface of
the CP 440-RS 422/485.
Table A-1
Technical Specifications of the X27 (RS 422/485) Interface
Technical Specifications
RS 422 or RS 485, 15-pin sub D female
RS 422 signals
RS 485 signals
TXD (A), RXD (A), TXD (B), RXD (B), GND
R/T (A), R/T (B), GND
all isolated against the S7-internal power supply (backplane bus) and the
external 24 V DC supply
Max. distance
1200 m
Max. baud rate
115200 baud
Technical Specifications of the 3964(R) Procedure
The following table contains the technical specifications of the 3964(R) procedure.
Table A-2
Technical Specifications of the 3964(R) Procedure
3964(R) procedure with default values
Max. message frame
can be assigned parameters:
With/without block check character
Priority: low/high
Transmission speed: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200,
38400, 57600, 76800, 115200 bps
Character frame: 9, 10, 11 or 12 bits
Initial state of receive line: none, R(A)5V/R(B)0V, R(A)0V/R(B)5V
Number of buffered message frames: 1 to 10, use entire buffer
3964(R) procedure, can be assigned parameters
Max. message frame
can be assigned parameters:
With/without block check character
Priority: low/high
Transmission speed: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200,
38400, 57600, 76800, 115200 bps
Character frame: 9, 10, 11 or 12 bits
Character delay time: 20 ms to 65535 ms in 10 ms increments
Acknowledgment delay time: 20 ms to 65535 ms in 10 ms increments
Number of setup attempts: 1 to 255
Number of transmission attempts: 1 to 255
Initial state of receive line: none, R(A)5V/R(B)0V, R(A)0V/R(B)5V