Getting started
Easy Book
Manual, 05/2009, A5E02486774-01
Create a simple network in your user program
Your program code consists of instructions that the PLC executes
in sequence. For this example, you use ladder logic (LAD) to
create the program code. The LAD program is a sequence of
networks that resemble the rungs of a ladder.
To open the program editor, follow these steps:
Expand the "Program blocks" folder in the Project tree to
display the "Main [OB1]" block.
Double-click the "Main [OB1]" block.
The program editor opens the program block (OB1). You can now
start entering the instructions for your user program.
Use the buttons on the "Favorites" to
insert contacts and coils onto the
Click the "Normally open contact"
button on the "Favorites" to add a
contact to the network.
For this example, add second
Click the "Output coil" button to
insert a coil.
The "Favorites" also provides a
button for creating a branch:
Click the "Open branch" icon to
add a branch to the rail of the
Insert another normally open
contact to the open branch.
Drag the double-headed arrow to
a connection point (the green
square on the rung) between the
open and closed contacts on the
first rung.
To save the project, click the "Save
project" button in the toolbar. Notice
that you do not have to finish editing
the run before saving.
You have created a network of LAD instructions. You can now associate the tag names with
these instructions.