Distributed I/O Device ET 200M
Functional grounding
Grounding which has the sole purpose of safeguarding the intended purpose of
the electrical equipment. Functional grounding short-circuits interference
voltages which would otherwise have an impermissible impact on the equipment.
The conductive mass of earth, the electrical potential of which can be set to zero
at any point.
In the vicinity of grounding electrodes the potential may not be zero. The term
”reference ground” is often used here.
Grounding means to connect a conductive component with the grounding
electrode via a ground system.
H system
System with high availability consisting of at least two central processing units or
two separate devices, e.g. PCs (master/reserve). The user program is processed
identically in the master and reserve PCs.
Identification data
Identification data is information stored in a module and supports the user when
eliminating faults in a system
checking the system configuration
locating hardware modifications in a system
I/O bus
The I/O bus is part of the
S7-300 backplane bus in the programmable logic
controller, optimized for the rapid exchange of signals between the IM 153-x
module(s) and the signal modules.
User data (e.g. digital input signals of a
signal module) and system data (e. g.
default parameter data records of a signal
module) are transferred via the I/O bus.
I/Os, single-channel
A single-channel I/O is when – in contrast to redundant I/Os – the I/O module is
available only once for a process signal. It can be connected on a one-sided or
switched basis.
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