User Manual SICLOCK GPS1000
Version 1.0
Order number 2XV9450-1AR82-BA
Connection to SIMATIC S7 Digital input:
via shielded twin-core control cable from terminal X2/1,2 at
SICLOCK GPS1000 PS to the corresponding SIMATIC S7 digital input.
(necessary function module for step7 - software: 2XV9450-1AR30).
12. Switch on the mains power. When the green LED “Pwr” is illuminated, the initializing of the antenna head
now begins (yellow LED “Sig” permanently illuminated). After successful initialization, the initializing of the
time reception begins, which, according to the reception situation and the number of available satellites, can
last for up to 30 minutes or longer. During this phase, the antenna head sends out “heartbeats” in the form of
50 ms impulses at intervals of 2 seconds which is indicated by the yellow LED. The normal operation which
then begins with permanent radio reception can be recognized by the transition of “ heartbeat” impulses on
DCF77 telegrams with GMT. If the yellow LED does not light up at all, then there is a defect in the machine or
a break in the antenna cable.
13. Setting the parameters for PC driver software / SICLOCK TM/TS / S7 should be done in accordance with operat-
ing data for the system.
Operation and Maintenance
After installation, the mains voltage can be switched to SICLOCK GPS1000 PS. The green LED “Pwr.” lights up.
The built in receiver of the antenna head now looks for GPS satellites and initializes the time reception. Accord-
ing to the number of “visible” satellites, this procedure lasts between 5 and 10 minutes (if the angle to the sky
perceived by the antenna is under 90° it can last up to 30 minutes or more until satellites appear in this window
and the initializing procedure is accordingly longer). During the initializing process, the yellow LED “Sig.” flashes
continually at 2 second intervals (“heartbeat”).
Normal operation now begins whereby constantly simulated DCF77 telegrams with Greenwich Meantime are
transmitted from the antenna to SICLOCK GPS1000 PS whose second impulses are recognizable by short dark
phases of the “Sig.” LED. The DCF77 telegrams are constantly available in parallel at the outputs “TTY/20mA” and
“TTY inv.” at the terminal X2 as active TTY/20mA signals and at the SUBD jack X3 as a RS232 signal.
SICLOCK GPS1000 works in principle completely without maintenance.
Only when the antenna is exposed to direct sunlight, the white painted antenna head should be cleaned from
time to time with water, in order to prevent overheating.
When there is no alarm signal for recognizing a malfunction of radio synchronization in the connected system,
then checks should be made at regular intervals, that the yellow LED “Sig.” on GPS1000 PS is still flashing prop-
erly in second intervals.
Fig 1: Front view GPS1000 PS.