Operating Instructions
LCD-Monitor SCD 1597-R/RT/R8S
Page 17 / 22
DOC-Nr.: B3 0038 D4.DOC
Horizontal / Vertical Pan
This setting enables the screen contents to be shifted horizontally and vertically when
pictures with a greater resolution than the display are shown. This requires “Normal Scaling
Modes” to be set to “One to One”. If, e.g., a 1280x1024 picture is to be shown on a display of
1024x768 pixels then, with the “One to One” setting, only a part of the entire picture will be
visible. Here, the desired part of the entire image can be displayed.
Normal Scaling Modes
There are three possible values for this menu point, with the following functions:
One to One
This setting causes the picture to be displayed without expanding or
contracting it. If the picture has a lower resolution than the display
then a black frame will appear. If the picture has a greater resolution
than the display then only the top left-hand corner of the picture will
Fill Screen
This setting causes the picture to fill the entire display.
Fill to Aspect Ratio
This setting expands the picture as much as possible while
maintaining the height to width ratio of the picture.
Non Linear Scaling Parameters
In this sub menu point the are three possible settings each for the horizontal and vertical
sizes allowing the picture height and width to be adjusted independently.
Horiz Clipping
Horizontal expansion of the picture
Horiz Offset
Horizontal shifting only if the picture width, set by the horizontal
clipping, is larger than the displayable picture width.
Horiz Stretch
This is a horizontal linearity setting for the picture width, i.e., if the
value is negative, the picture is compressed more at the horizontal
edges and stretched more in the middle.
A positive value has the opposite effect.
Vert Clipping
Vertical expansion of the picture.
Vert Offset
Vertical shifting only if the picture height, set by the vertical clipping, is
larger than the displayable picture height.
Vert Stretch
This is a vertical linearity setting for the picture height, i.e., if the value
is negative, the picture is compressed more at the vertical edges and
stretched more in the middle.
A positive value has the opposite effect.