Technical data
6.3 Cable lengths
Compact Operating Instructions, 10/2014, A5E02630801-06
Cable lengths
Table 6- 11 Permitted cable lengths (copper cable - Fast Ethernet)
Cable type
Accessory (plug, outlet,
TP cord)
Permitted cable length
IE TP torsion cable
with IE FC Outlet RJ-45
+ 10 m TP cord
0 to 45 m
+ 10 m TP cord
with IE FC RJ-45 Plug 180
0 to 55 m
IE FC TP Marine Cable
IE FC TP Trailing Cable
IE FC TP Flexible Cable
with IE FC Outlet RJ-45
+ 10 m TP cord
0 to 75 m
+ 10 m TP cord
with IE FC RJ-45 Plug 180
0 to 85 m
IE FC TP standard cable
with IE FC Outlet RJ-45
+ 10 m TP cord
0 to 90 m
+ 10 m TP cord
with IE FC RJ-45 Plug 180
0 to 100 m
Table 6- 12 Permitted cable lengths (copper cable - gigabit Ethernet)
Cable type
Accessory (plug, outlet,
TP cord)
Permitted cable length
IE FC Standard Cable, 4 × 2, 24
IE FC Flexible Cable, 4 × 2, 24
with IE FC RJ-45 Plug 180,
4 × 2
0 to 90 m
IE FC Standard Cable, 4 × 2, 22
with IE FC Outlet RJ-45
+ 10 m TP cord
0 to 60 m
+ 10 m TP cord
IE FC Flexible Cable, 4 × 2, 22
with IE FC Outlet RJ-45
+ 10 m TP cord
0 to 90 m
+ 10 m TP cord
Permitted cable lengths (fiber-optic cable - Fast Ethernet or gigabit)
The values correspond to those of the permitted MM900 media modules and SFP