Mechanical Construction
PowerLink 100 systems consists of 2 module frames, the carrier-frequency section (CFS-2) and the line
equipment section (PLPA). For the PLPA section, a distinction is made between 50 W and 100 W transmit
PowerLink 50 consists of a single module frame covering the carrier frequency and the 50W amplifier
The terminals are built to the proven ES 902-C design pattern. The dimensions of these module frames corre-
spond to the 19" mounting system in accordance with DIN 41494 and can be installed directly into 19" swing
frame cubicles or mounting frames without any additional fixing brackets.
The modules of a module frame are electrically connected to each other via a backplane with the appropriate
sockets and plug connectors. The module frames are connected to each other by plug-in connectors and
cables with integral connectors.
PowerLink Description in Brief
2.5 Mechanical Construction
Smart Communications, PowerLink 100 and PowerLink 50, Product Information
E50405-U53-X-B3-7670, Edition 11.2014