About this user guide
This user guide covers the operation of your OpenStage 30T phone
connected to a HiPath DX via the telephone wiring.
Topics covered
This user guide is divided into the following sections:
Useful information about your phone.
Standard features
How to handle calls using the features available
on your phone.
Menu features
How to use the features on the phone’s menu.
Other user guides
This user guide covers only the basic operation of the OpenStage 30T
Refer to the following user guides for more detailed information:
HiPath DX Telephone Features User Guide
for information on using
the standard HiPath DX features.
HiPath DX OpenStage 30T ACD User Guide
for information on using
these phones for ACD working.
HiPath DX online user guides supplied on the HiPath DX Electronic
Publications CD provide comprehensive details.