The loop is controlled through the programme button on the aid.
Simply press the button to select your loop programme. If your
hearing aid is set to work with the loop system your Audiologist
will let you know how many beeps you will hear when it is
activated. You will then be able to use the loop system. When
you have finished using the loop system, push the button once
until it beeps again. You should now be back on programme 1.
If you are unable to hear any sound when trying to use the loop
system in a public building please ask a member of staff to check
that their loop is turned on and working. If their system is
working correctly and you are still unable to hear, please attend
one of our repair clinics for an audiologist to check the hearing
aid for you.
Please note:
• Do not use the loop programme on your hearing aid at
home unless your television or telephone have been
installed with a loop system. Ask your Audiologist about
equipment, such as specialist phones or a loop for your
Using the loop system with your digital NHS hearing aids