Build up the use of your hearing aid gradually. It can take time to get
used to it and the more you persevere with it, the more you will
benefit. Start by wearing the hearing aid for a couple of hours a day
and gradually increase this. Everyone is different, so do this at a
rate that you are comfortable with. Start off in a quiet place and
when you feel ready, try wearing it in more noisy places. The
important thing to remember is to persevere. Try to give yourself at
least 6-8 weeks to become used to the hearing aid. If at this point
you are not happy with it then please arrange an appointment to see
an Audiologist.
It is very common that your own voice may sound slightly different
to what you are used to hearing, this is because you have been
used to hearing your own voice with a hearing loss. When the aid is
initially fitted the sound of your own voice can sound a little strange
as it is now being amplified. Your own voice may appear a little
quieter to others.
Hearing tactics
Do not have unrealistic expectations of your hearing aid. It will not
restore your hearing to normal, but hopefully it will help you to hear
some of the sounds that you have been missing out on. Please
remember that in noisy places it will always be more difficult to hear
even when you are wearing a hearing aid a nd that no hearing aid
will completely eliminate background noise.
Make the most of visual information by watching people’s mouths,
you will probably find that you are already lip-reading to a certain
extent without realising it. You should hear much better if the person
you are speaking to is facing you and sitting in the light. Reduce any
unnecessary background noise, such as the TV/radio. Do not be
embarrassed to ask people to repeat themselves if you have not
heard what they have said.