Siemens Building Technologies
Fire Safety
P/N 315-048692-2
In the above printed message,
indicates that the type of occurrence is a
is the device address;
is the number of the supervisory in the list
of supervisories;
[custom message]
is a custom message entered using the CSG-M
Custom Software Generator (See the
CSG-M Programming Manual
, P/N 315-
[device type]
is the type of device which reported the supervisory.
Viewing List of Supervisories To see the supervisory list when there are more than eight supervisory events, press
the DOWN key on the MKB. (In systems set to Canada, the system displays the
oldest event first.)
How to Individually Acknowledge a Supervisory (NFPA 72 Proprietary, UL 1076)
The first, unACKnowledged, supervisory is placed on line nine of the
display. Press SUP ACK. The System acknowledges the supervisory dis-
played and then places the second, unACKowledged supervisory in line
nine (the fixed line). If your System has the printer option, it prints an
acknowledgment message similar to the following:
ACK Supervisory 1-5 12:01:28 Dec 31,20xx
#2 [custom message], [device type]
Note that the acknowledgment message includes the term ACK to indicate
this supervisory was acknowledged.
Continue acknowledging supervisories as explained above until the System
displays the following message:
The SUPERVISORY LED glows steadily to indicate that all supervisories are
acknowledged. If there are no troubles or security conditions still in the
System, the internal audible goes silent; if any of those conditions still exist,
the internal audible pulses.
If your System includes a printer, it prints the following message:
ACK Supervisory 12:05:44 Dec 31,20XX
All Supervisories Are Now Acknowledged.
How to Block Acknowledge a Supervisory (NFPA 72 Local, 72 Municipal Tie, 72 Remote Station)
Note the specific location of the supervisories by using the procedures
described above.
Unlock and open the door.
Press SUP ACK to acknowledge all
supervisories. The System displays the
following message:
If your System includes a printer, it prints the following message:
ACK Supervisory 11:59:59 Dec 31,20xx
All Supervisories Are Now Acknowledged.
If you press SUP ACK again, the System displays: