Application and properties
1.6 Configuration examples
CP 1243-7 LTE
Operating Instructions, 01/2015, C79000-G8976-C381-01
The CP can send e-mails to a PC with an Internet connection or a mobile phone. The
mechanisms for this are as follows:
E-mails generated and sent as the result of an event.
For a description of the configuration, refer to the sections Configuring data points and
messages (Page 47), Messages (Page 86) and E-mail configuration (Page 75).
E-mails sent as a result of calling the program block TMAIL_C.
You will find information on the blocks in the section Program blocks for OUC (Page 91),
you will find the description of the programming in the STEP 7 information system.
Telecontrol by a control center
Figure 1-2
Communication between S7-1200 stations and a control center