Diagnostics and upkeep
6.2 Downloading firmware
CP 1243-7 LTE
Operating Instructions, 01/2015, C79000-G8976-C381-01
Downloading the firmware via the Web server of the CPU
Follow the steps below to connect to the Web server of the CPU from the engineering station
and to download the CP's new firmware file to the station.
Requirements in the CPU configuration
Open the corresponding project on the engineering station.
Select the CPU of the station involved in STEP 7.
Select the "Web server" entry.
In the parameter group "General", select the "Enable Web server for this interface"
With a CPU version V4.0 or higher, create a user in the user management with the name
You need to assign the right to perform firmware updates in the access level.
The procedure for establishing a connection to the Web server depends on whether you
have enabled or disabled the "Allow access only using HTTPS" option in the "General"
parameter group:
Connection establishment with HTTP
Procedure if the "Allow access only using HTTPS" option is disabled
Connection establishment with HTTPS
Procedure if the "Allow access only using HTTPS" option is enabled
These two variants are described in the following sections.
Requirement: The new firmware file is stored on your engineering station.
You will find the requirements for access to the Web server of the CPU (permitted Web
browser) and the description of the procedure in the STEP 7 information system under the
keyword "Information about the Web server".
Connection establishment with HTTP
Connect the PC on which the new firmware file is located to the CPU via the Ethernet
Enter the address of the CPU in the address box of your Web browser: http://<IP
Press the Enter key.
The start page of the Web server opens.
Click on the "Download certificate" entry at the top right of the window.
The "Certificate" dialog opens.