Setting up
Siemens Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Brief Explanation of Mifare DESfire EV1 settings
A Mifare DESFire EV1 card can hold up to 28 different applications and 32 files per
application. The size of each file is flexible. An access control system requires just
one file within one application so the same card could also be used for other appli-
cations such as vending, ticketing or banking, provided by other suppliers.
Our readers support DESFire EV1 cards of size 2 kbytes, 4 kbytes or 8 kbytes. An
application on a DESFire EV1 card is identified by a 6 digit hexadecimal number
known as the application identifier (AID). The AID is programmed into the card at
enrolment and the reader is configured to use the same AID.
Our readers support any arbitrary AID but we recommend the Siemens registered
DESFire EV1 AID which is F531C0. Within the chosen application, the card is pro-
grammed with a data file at enrolment. This file is given an identifier (file ID) which
is any hexadecimal number chosen in the range 00 to 1F. The reader must be con-
figured to look for the same file ID. The data file contains a number, all or part of
which can be used as the ID number. The reader reports the ID number to the ac-
cess system controller which uses the ID number to recognize the user.
The data in the file is secured by a read encryption key of your choice. This key not
only enables the data to be read from the card but also enciphers data transmis-
sion between the card and the reader. Free directory list access without master key
has to be allowed by the DESFire EV1 card. The application that contains the file
with the ID number shall be accessed using AES mode. The communication mode
with the file that contains the ID number has to be fully enciphered. The key to be
used for read access has to be defined. The key to read out the ID number has to
be the same as the one to access the application. The reading key is 16 bytes
Commands, range of values and examples
Each command has to be entered separately and confirmed by ENTER. Two digits
are allowed in each byte.
Values in hex format which have to be use can be entered directly, e.g.:
A F5 31 C0 Application-ID
That means the unique ID of the application containing the file to read data from on
the transponder.
A F5 31 C0 specifies the reserved Siemens ID. File-ID
This will specify the file to be read out.
Range of values:
0x00 – 0x1F (limited to 32 files)
Block number:
0x00 – 0x00
First byte:
0x00 – 0x0F
Last Byte:
0x00 – 0x0F
In file one, block 4 shall be read out from byte zero to seventh byte. The command
has to look like: F 1 4 0 7