DataNET Copper Connections,
Behind each single port connector is an associated jumper pin block, see
Figure 2-1. Each block is used to select the termination impedance of its
associated port to match the cable’s own impedance characteristics. The
three selections for each port are 100-ohm, 120-ohm and 150-ohm. Use
the 150-ohm setting for the recommended cable. If the specific cable
impedance is not known use the 100 ohm setting. Select the impedance
setting that matches the cable impedance by placing the shorting jumper
across the selected pins.
The Hub Signal Equalizer board balances the attenuation of signals
when varying lengths of copper cable connect multiple downlinks from a
HUB. The board plugs into a port connector and is wired to its associated
downlink port. See DataNET Hub Signal Equalizer Board, page 34 for
determining the attenuator board settings.
If you are using a cable other then the recommended cable types, the
cable signals for each channel must be measured at the DNH port con-
nection. These signal measurements are used to determine the attenu-
ator settings for a DataNET Hub Signal Equalizer Board; see page 34.
Refer to Site Wiring Requirements. Table 2-1 (page 19) to determine the
requirements for your site.
All downlink connections are made to any of the eight-downlink ports.
When a Signal Equalizer board is used the network wiring must connect
to TB1 on the signal equalizer board.
Always ensure that the same port number is used for redundant channel
connections i.e. Channel A to Port 1 on ‘A’ Hub and Channel B to Port 1
on ‘B’ hub.
Cable Impedance
DataNET Hub Signal
Equalizer Board
Using Other than
Recommended Cable
Recommended Cable
Downlink Port
+ Important