A contact output (relay contact, changeover contact) generates a “device ready” signal
(GOK / DR). Only when a relay has picked up the device is ready for data communication.
The NC contact signals a fault.
All operating states are signalled via LEDs.
Figure 22 Interfaces and connections
The following interfaces and connections are located on the device side (Figure 22):
X.21: The signals of the X.21 interface must be applied to the 15-pole DSUB–connector
(X.21). The cable screen is connected to the housing. The X.21 signals are electrically
isolated from the other electrical circuits (Figure 21).
G703.1: The signals of the G703.1 interface must be applied to the 5-pole screw terminal
(G703) (one incoming and one outgoing pair of strands in each case). The fifth screw
terminal adjacent on the left (‘S‘) is for contacting the cable screen and is connected to
the housing. The G703.1 signals are electrically isolated from the other electrical circuits
(Figure 21).
Optical fibre: The fibre-optic interfaces serve to connect a protection device. Serial
signals are transferred to these interfaces. The optical properties, including the connec-
tion method, correspond to those of the FO5 module (ST connector, 820 nm), which must
be connencted in the protection device as the active interface.
GOK / DR: An isolated changeover contact, three connections of which are routed out on
the device contact, represents the life contact. The symbol on the connection represents
the contact’s idle state.