Manual 7XV5655-0BB00
Page 49 of 79
Control Commands
Your Serial Modem is the latest in Ethernet modems and is equipped with the AT
command set. To enter the AT commands, you require a terminal program, e.g.:
"HyperTerminal". This program is part of MS WINDOWS
and can be started under
"Start - Programs - Accessories".
AT Command Entry and Execution
After power-on, the Serial Modem is ready for command input. Only in this mode can
commands be accepted, interpreted and executed.
Command must always be entered with the currently set baudrate and data
format (factory setting 9600 baud 8N1), otherwise the commands are ignored. If
the factory setting has been changed, further operation or initialisation must be
made with the new parameters.
If you do not know the settings, you can reset the modem to its default (factory)
setting of 9600 baud 8N1 by pressing the INIT key (see p14).
All commands directed at the Serial Modem must be prefixed with the ASCII code AT or
at (not permitted: At or aT) and be followed by "Enter". If several commands are to be
entered, they can each be entered with the AT prefix and "Enter". It is also permissible
to place these commands on a single line between an introductory AT and finish the
command input with the "Enter" key.
For readability you might want to separate the individual commands with spaces. On
reaching the end of the command line buffer, no further character entry is possible. The
command line can, however, be edited with the "backspace" key or executed by
pressing "Enter".
In password configuration mode, all commands, e.g. the passwords or valid IP
addresses are entered individually.
After command entry, the settings are only stored in the volatile RAM. To retain
the settings through an auxiliary power interruption, they must be saved to flash
EPROM with the "AT&W" command.
On-Line Data Mode
After a successful connection setup to a remote terminal, the modem switches from
command mode to on-line data mode.
The on-line data mode means that a connection to a remote data terminal (i.e. another
modem) has been established: The modem is on-line (CONNECT). This applies to a
successful connection setup (outgoing call / dialling) as well as to answering a call (call
accept). In this mode, data exchange (data transmission) between two connected data
terminals can take place.
To revert to command mode and back again while the connection is up, use the Escape
and ATO commands. The Escape command consists of a sequence of three Escape
characters (default setting: +++) and a valid command line. The Escape character is not
the same as the
character of the ASCII character set. It can be changed with the S2