Interface test
The customer or its representative parameterize and test the communication of selected
interfaces with their own test equipment. Factory personnel are available to operate the test
station. The interface test is limited to four hours.
PROFIBUS communication
The communication between the test station computer and the drive is established via
PROFIBUS and its correct functioning is checked.
Test procedure
1. The connection between the drive and the test station computer is established using an
2. The auxiliary voltage is switched on.
3. The connection is established via the test station computer. The operating software is in
online mode.
4. The customer selects up to ten signals, which are read in and read out on the test station
computer. This procedure checks the communication.
For bus connections, it is crucial that communication is established.
The test is passed if the signals are displayed on the test station computer.
Signals to the customer's system
Digital and analog signals are simulated on the test station computer, which also tests signal
transfer to the customer's system.
Test procedure
1. The auxiliary voltage is present.
2. The connection is established via the test station computer.
3. The signals are simulated.
3.5 Interface test
SINAMICS GL150 6SL3855 F03 F70 F76 F79 F98 E11
Reference Manual Rev.201902141423 GL150 wassergekühlt